Code of Business Practice

Code of Business Practice

by researchlinks

Ethical Considerations

As a practice, all research studies carried out by Research Links  Limited are impeccably conducted to meet with international standards. These include:

Guidelines on mutual rights and responsibilities of researchers and clients regarding:

  • Confidentiality and its intellectual properties
  • Excellent service delivery in line with international best practices
  • Adherence to agreed timelines for project execution
  • Payment for services rendered among other duties and responsibilities

Duties of the field researcher, such as:

  • Being polite to respondents
  • Seeking their consent before commencing interviews; and
  • Adhering to standard instructions received at training and on the survey instrument, etc.

Guides on interviewing children and young people regarding:

  • Safety assurance
  • Parents/guardian’s consent
  • Adequate information on nature of study
  • Easy-to-understand interviewing process
  • Guarding against scare, and
  • Ensuring adequate training for enumerators on how to relate with children and minors during interviews, etc.

Each of these codes is explicit on preserving the rights of respondents and clients, placing a duty of care squarely on the researcher in that regard.